In the upper right corner of the Configuration module, you also have the Product Table sub-module.

In this module you can view the products assigned to your account, and therefore those that you can assign to your subaccounts. By pressing the Export button, you can export the product table in Excel. 


You can see more information about each product by clicking on the "eye" on the right side of the table. Here you can see, for example, the plan cost and the MB above the pool in the Cost and Cost Extra Data fields. 

It is possible to edit specific information by clicking on Edit. Here you can change the Name of the product (as this will be the name your customers will see), as well as the list price (Selling Price) that will be taken by default when assigning the product to the subaccount. 

It is possible to individually modify the selling price of the product when it is assigned to a particular sub-account.

Within the Product Table, you can filter by Product ID, Product, Category, and Zone. 

The other functionality found in the same window is Product Assignment.

Once we click on it, a window will appear with the company name, and the product and here we can select and click on the Assign button.

Remember that there is also the Automatic Renewal feature explained earlier in the SIM Module.