In this tab you have many permissions that you can enable or disable according to your need or the customer's need.
The SIM Control Center options will allow you to enable or disable all the buttons that can be seen on this screen: the SMS button, activate, suspend, policies, reboot, purge SIM, assign SIMs or move SIMs between products.
The Settings options will allow you to enable or disable all the buttons shown in the following image: Add or modify company information, add or modify company limits, delete companies, export customers from the database, Display events in Orion, export product table.
The Users options will allow you to enable or disable all the buttons shown in the following image: Add, delete, suspend and enable user, API access, role configuration.
In this way you can enable or disable the options you need, as in the following image you can see that the options to reset the SIM, view network events and assign and/or move SIMs between products have been disabled in the SIM Control Center section.